Wednesday 18 August 2010

New Ashton upon Mersey Website for Conservative Councillors

Councillors John Lamb, Brian Rigby and Michael Whetton have launched their new website. See link below.

The site will be regularly updated with news and views from the councillors which they are hoping will be useful to the people they represent. The web pages will also allow residents to let the councillors know their views on issues also.

Tuesday 7 July 2009


Give Cllr John Lamb some feedback!

Here is the question:

For you what one thing needs to change that would make Ashton-on-Mersey a better place to live?

Use the 'comments' link below to leave your answer. If you want me to get back to you then leave your contact details also.

Cllr John Lamb

Tuesday 16 June 2009

New Mayor of Trafford names his Charity

I attended the Mayor's Civic Sunday service at St John's on Brooklands Road last Sunday (14th June 2009). The new Mayor is Councillor David Higgins who represents Brooklands Ward on the Council. His Mayoress is his wife Wendy.

A very full congregation, hearty singing of hymns accompanied by organ and choir with the service led by the Mayors Chaplain, The Rev. Canon Ian McVeety. There was just one thing missing: there was no street procession! There always used to be, usually led by a brass band just to make sure that those local residents having a, no doubt well earned Sunday lie in, at least did so in the comforting knowledge that the civic life of the borough rolls on!

The word that went around when I enquired why we were not marching was that the Borough could not afford it! I will make enquiries and hope to be able to report that this is not in fact the reason.

On a higher note, the Mayors charity for the year 2009/10 is Stockdales who provide support and services in the north west for children and adults with learning difficulties. See more about their work by following the link below. This splendid charity is based in my Ward on Harboro Road. The Mayor has already been informed that we will organise a fund raising event during the year for Stockdales.

Monday 25 May 2009

Cameron Cleaning up the act and getting tough on abusers of Tax payers money

Like many of you I have been horrified when reading the daily dose of abuse of taxpayers money. No, I am not talking about the press releases from Trafford Council concerning benefit fraudsters - I am talking, of course, about the 'honourable' men and women sitting in the House of Commons. Sent to that place by a mainly trusting electorate, it is a scandal that so many MP's of all Parties then proceeded to systematically ransack the public purse. To my mind such Members deserve to be turfed from office. It was encouraging then when I opened my mail shot letter from David Cameron, the Leader of the Conservative Party, to all Party members, setting out his view and actions taken over this whole sorry and sordid business. It certainly seems that Mr Cameron is determined to clean the act up. I reproduce below some key paragraphs from his letter:

"British politics has been shaken by one of the most serious scandals in our history. The abuse of expenses is an abuse of trust. People are angry, disgusted and disappointed. I'm writing to you today because I want to apologise, directly to all those who have supported the Conservative Party through thick and thin. You have been let down, and I am truly sorry. I want to tell you what I am doing to lead us through this crisis of trust in our political system.

Many Conservative MP's work very hard for their constituents and for our Party. Many felt on expenses that they were acting "within the rules". That might be technically right, but we still know that many of the things that were done were wrong. We need to recognise that and put things right with practical action. That's why I've been busy putting our own house in order, precisely so that our MP's can be respected and appreciated for the hard work they do. I have met with the Shadow Cabinet, who have all agreed to pay back the claims that caused concern, whether that was hundred pounds or several thousand.

To review all the expense claims made by other Conservative MP's, we have set up a Scrutiny Panel. Its job is to work out how much money should rightfully be paid back. If our MP's don't comply, the consequences are simple - they won't remain as Conservative MP's. And I've been very clear about the rules for our MP's from now on. There'll be no 'flipping' of first and second homes to make more money, no avoiding capital gains tax, no more claiming for furniture, food bills or luxuries. From now on all Conservative MP's will be allowed to claim the basic necessities - and they'll publish each and every expense detail on line."

Tough talk then. Lets us hope that actions follow the rhetoric and that a number of Members seeking alternative employment begins to restore confidence in the political system. For my part that confidence is pretty fragile at the moment!

Cllr John Lamb

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Caring for our Environment - Glebelands City Growers and Woodheys Junior School

Right: L to R Cllr James Wibberley and Ed Sweetman.

Left L to R: Cllr John Lamb, Sally Westaway and Ed Sweetman

Recently I and my colleague from Urmston Cllr James Wibberley visited the Glebelands City Growers which is a market garden. Its situation is quite unique in that it sits alongside the river Mersey but otherwise is nestled up against a busy suburban environment. This well established business has new owners and they have set up a 'not for profit' organisation to pursue their passionate interest of growing organic produce, mainly salads. Talking to the new owners it became clear that they really are committed to ensuring that their produce is completely free of any artificial ingredients. The approach they take also involves a tremendous respect for the environment and contribution to a sustainable way of living. I was pleased to be able to support their application for some lottery money to enable them to invite local schools to the market garden to learn something about this environmentally friendly enterprise.

Talking about schools, last night (5th May) members of Trafford Council's Sustainability and Climate Change Select Committee (of which I am Vice Chairman) visited Woodheys Junior School in Sale to hear from the children about the their approach to maintaining a sustainable school. As always the children were great advocates for what they clearly believe in. They have gained an understanding of energy consumption, new sources of energy, healthy eating and living and sources of food. In the grounds of the school is a small nature reserve and they have been visited by the well know environmentalist Professor David Bellamy. The school is a leader in the region for its approach to these matters and for me one of the great outcomes will be the awareness that youngsters gain as one day they assume their various roles on our planet.

I probably need to make sure that one day the children of Woodheys school visit the Glebelands Road Growers market garden!

Sunday 26 April 2009

Three cheers for St George!

Top: Cllr Kathy Bullock a member of the Altrincham Court Leet. Middle: Cllr Ken Weston, a member of the Court Leet and below : The Mayor of Trafford, Cllr Steve Adshead, raises the English flag of St George, outside Altrincham town hall

Last Thursday, the 23rd April, I along with fellow councillors attended a splendid celebration of St George's day at Altrincham Town Hall. The whole occasion had something very English about it, as it should of course. The ancient Altrincham Court Leet was led by the Bellman of the Court all dressed in medieval robes and bearing impressive looking staffs. They arrived at the town hall where the the Mayor and Mayoress of Trafford awaited them. Plenty of fine words were used as the life of St George was remembered and following the hoisting of the cross of St George by the Mayor, the Stretford Brass band stirred the throng into choruses of Jerusalem, There'll Always be an England and the National Anthem.

In Trafford this was probably the first openly nationalistic event there has been for years and such is the madness these days of not wishing to offend non English Christians that one almost felt that one was participating in something slightly naughty or forbidden. So it is with enthusiasm that I join the campaign to celebrate St Georges day on a new public bank holiday. Why not have a day when things quintessentially English are celebrated, in dress, song, food and drink! Bring out Hogarth's roast beef of Olde England washed down with a quart (or two) of excellent ale and amble home singing songs about defeats over Englands traditional enemies of yester-year.

Just in case you think I have taken leave of my senses or already quaffed my first quart of English ale, just go to Spain, France or Italy and I think you will find that they have no shyness about upholding and celebrating their nationality in quite robust fashion.

So, to conclude in the words of the Bard (whose birthday we also celebrate on St Georges day) who put these famous words into the mouth of another hero of mine, King Henry the fifth,

"Cry God for Harry, England and Saint George! "

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Bogus callers - Show them the gate!!

We have just been made aware of some pretty low down characters taking advantage of trusting elderly people in the borough. Two men, cold called on an elderly Trafford resident offering to repair the fence. They took, in advance £100 in cash, painted one fence panel and have not been seen since. Its called robbery and I know what I would like to do to the kind of low life that carry out these abuses on vulnerable people but the public nature of my blog site requires the use of moderate language!!

However, thinking about this despicable activity I thought a link to Trafford Councils Trading Standards page on bogus callers would be useful. Basically the advice seems to be, if you didn't ask for someone to call then show them the gate!

The Council offer a few steps to follow when someone arrives, unexpectedly, at your door step:

  • Never do business on the doorstep
  • Never allow strangers into your home
  • Always ask for ID and do not let the caller in unless you have verified their identity with their employer
  • Always lock the back door when you answer the front - use a chain or look through the window
  • Never keep large sums of money in the house
  • If you are suspicious ring the police on 0161 872 5050
  • If you have signed a contract at home following an unsolicited call, you may be able to cancel. Contact Trafford Trading Standards on 0161 912 1377

For more information use the link below.