Wednesday 15 April 2009

Bogus callers - Show them the gate!!

We have just been made aware of some pretty low down characters taking advantage of trusting elderly people in the borough. Two men, cold called on an elderly Trafford resident offering to repair the fence. They took, in advance £100 in cash, painted one fence panel and have not been seen since. Its called robbery and I know what I would like to do to the kind of low life that carry out these abuses on vulnerable people but the public nature of my blog site requires the use of moderate language!!

However, thinking about this despicable activity I thought a link to Trafford Councils Trading Standards page on bogus callers would be useful. Basically the advice seems to be, if you didn't ask for someone to call then show them the gate!

The Council offer a few steps to follow when someone arrives, unexpectedly, at your door step:

  • Never do business on the doorstep
  • Never allow strangers into your home
  • Always ask for ID and do not let the caller in unless you have verified their identity with their employer
  • Always lock the back door when you answer the front - use a chain or look through the window
  • Never keep large sums of money in the house
  • If you are suspicious ring the police on 0161 872 5050
  • If you have signed a contract at home following an unsolicited call, you may be able to cancel. Contact Trafford Trading Standards on 0161 912 1377

For more information use the link below.


  1. Well said, Councillor.

    String 'em up, I say, and throw away the key. Hangin' 's too good for 'em, bring back the birch! It never did me no harm.

    I remember when you could leave your door open, and a policeman wasn't afraid to clip a miscreant round the ear. You'd get done for health & safety violations these days.

    I blame Heath, the EC and Human Rights lawyers.

    And the feminists. Pardon my French!

  2. Well said, anonymous!

    Have the thought police paid you a visit yet? Brown's Britain, eh?
